Schubert Elektroanlagen
Controller and Data-Protection Coordinator:
Christoph Kramer
LL.M. (WU) BSc (WU)

Data Privacy Policy
The operators of this website take the protection of private data seriously. When processing personal data, it is an important concern to pay special regard to privacy. Personal data is used in accordance with the Data Protection Act [Datenschutzgesetz]. These web pages may contain links to web pages of other providers to which this privacy policy does not apply.
1. Personal data
Personal data is any information that can be used to determine a person’s identity. This includes information such as name, address, postal address and phone number, but excludes any information that is not directly linked to a person’s identity (e.g., favorite websites, number of users of a website). In general, the content we provide online may be accessed without disclosure of identity. Personal data is stored only if necessary and if and only if it is provided voluntarily. When accessing these web pages, data is stored server-sided (including, e.g., the IP address, date, time and viewed pages) for functionality of the website. There is no further processing of personal data. Additionally we reserve the right, to use anonymized data records for the purpose of statistical evaluation.
2. Passing on of personal data
We use personal information exclusively for these web pages. We will not pass on this information to any third parties. If, in the course of processing orders, it should be necessary to provide data to a service provider, such a provider is legally bound to act in accordance with the Data Protection Act [Datenschutzgesetz], other legal requirements and this privacy policy. The collection or transfer of personal data for or to public authorities will occur exclusively in the event of legal obligation.
3. Underage persons
Persons aged 18 or younger should not transmit any personal data through these web pages without the approval of their parents or legal guardians. The operators of this website do not request, collect or pass on to third parties any personal information from underage persons.
4. For processing the data section 96 paragraph 3 telecommunication law (TKG) and section 8 paragraph 3 figure 4 data protection law (DSG) are applicable. There is no time limit.
5. Right of revocation
If you have provided personal data through these web pages, you may request their deletion at any time.
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Controller and data-protection coordinator
Christoph Kramer, LL.M. (WU) BSc (WU)
Legal Counsel
Company: Schubert Elektroanlagen
Legal form: Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Post address and place of business: Industriestraße 3, A-3200 Ober-Grafendorf
Phone: +43 2747 25 35 – 0
Fax: +43 2747 25 35 – 440